World No Tobacco Day Quotes
“Every time you try to quit smoking you are actually getting closer to staying smoke-free.”
– Henry Ford
“I’ll tell you what’s wrong!” he roared, “I’m trying to quit smoking!” Then he strode angrily to the truck, leaving her standing there.
She blinked her eyes, and slowly a smile stretched her lips. She strolled to the truck and got in. “So, are you homicidal or merely as irritable as a wounded buffalo?”
“About halfway in between,” he said through clenched teeth.
“Anything I can do to help?”
His eyes were narrow and intense. “It isn’t just the cigarettes. Take off your panties and lock your legs around me, and I’ll show you.”
― Duncan’s Bride
“Let us make sure that tobacco is not able to take any more lives by making this world free from it.”
“The only thing that tobacco brings along with it is a disease which later converts into death and despair for your loved one. Save yourself and your family from a disaster like this by quitting tobacco.”
“The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.. Take the first step towards your goal by saying no to tobacco.”
“Smoking is suicide by instalments.” – H.M. Forester
“Cigarettes are a classy way to commit suicide.” – Kurt Vonnegut